Hiding WordPress backend menu items

I’m reworking a client’s site and am replacing their functions.php.  In there, I found a function that I wrote to remove specific menu items from the WordPress Administrative area.  For future reference, here it is: /** * Several menus items are shown to...

Surface resolution

I’ve been working with a Windows Surface Pro 3 for the past year now.  Speed is great for my work, I’m able to play some of the latest games, and it is super-light.  However, its biggest detractor is this flimsy keyboard that makes it difficult to work...

Limiting posttypes to Administrators

Earlier, I wrote a quick article that introduced WordPress Roles and Capabilities.  Today, I revisited that page to figure out how to make it so that my new custom post type would only be accessible by the Administrator.  The Codex page did not really make me...

Styling the WordPress Admin

The WordPress backend has a very specific look to it.  If you are looking to add a new page there, you’ll want to style it similarly.  It’s not very clear what is available, but after a lot of searching, I came across these links that help shine light on...