Classified Photo Gallery
The Darkroom
November 2006 – December 2006
Home Project
Aptly termed product for displaying images. The Darkroom is an update from the original photo gallery (unlisted here) I had created in 2003. The motivation behind updating the tool had to do with efficiency of posting photos from my end and downloading these photos from the user end.
To help efficiency on my end, I utilized the PHP image library to dynamically resize images for thumbnails. Previously, I used to manually pre-shrink the images and save the thumbnails as a separate image in a pre-determined folder. Of course, this was time consuming and wasted bandwidth.
To help make a user’s experience even better, I re-used the treeview control previously developed for the Jukebox, but modified it to look for valid photos on the server instead of music. Even better, a user now had a couple of direct saving options. For instance, a user could click a single button to save the active photo locally – or even better yet, the user could click another button and the entire album would be available for download in a single compressed ZIP file.