
WAMP and https

Why is this important? It looks like the BluePrint-Q preview is broken on the WordPress themes directory: Turns out that some assets are expecting to be loaded through http, but the theme directory is using https, which...

Talking between computers

WPF is pretty awesome and I have a decent chunk of experience going with it.  However, I never really had a need to investigate the WCF side - Microsoft's answer to communicating between machines. So, I am looking for a complete comprehensive tutorial that would start...

Thematic fonts

Google fonts is a pretty awesome collection of web fonts.  There must be at least 500 of them.  Recently, I've gone through all of them for a project and, because it is such a time-consuming task, I took note of fonts that could possibly be used for very specific...

Using the escape key to close a WPF window

After being disappointed with Android development, I'm ramping back up on WPF.  I have a full screen app and no buttons visible, so I would like to implement the ESC key to close the window instead of using ALT+F4. Looking around the net, I can do this by putting a...

Android native development disappointment

Google does a lot of good things.  Unfortunately, welcoming new developers to its primary OS is not one of them.  I've spent the past 4-5 days developing a number of Android apps as proofs for a new project.  My overall experience has been lackluster and I want to...

Android Studio’s Odd “Unresolved Symbol R” Error

I was working in an Android app and was able to compile and run just fine for a little while.  All of a sudden, the "R" constant used to reference resources turned red (unrecognized).  After a decent amount of searching, I found that I had to click "Build >>...