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Bootstrap navbar overflow strategy

Although it can be complicated markup, the Bootstrap navbar does have lots of features.  Unfortunately, the component does not handle menu overflow, as stated within a warning box on the official Bootstrap site. Generally, the content wraps decently except for when...

Debugging tooltips

I use Bootstrap’s tooltip feature.  It certainly improves design from the default browser implementation, but it can be a pain to debug because it disappears as the element is inspected.  Forcing the ‘hover’ state does not do the trick either.  As a...

Cannot autoplay on Android

I have a radio app in development.  It works great within a desktop browser.  Unfortunately, it has problems on phones.  The biggest problem on Android is that the music would not autoplay when the page loaded. After debugging, I found that the ‘play’...

Navbar Dropdown Woe

Came across an issue with the Bootstrap navbar dropdown with respect to WordPress.  Here’s the issue: Download Bootstrap and put it up on your website (reference the min.css and min.js files). Go to the sample code for the Default Navbar in the Bootstrap docs...