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Unable To Move Page In Confluence

Today, I tried to move a page in Confluence and was unable to do so.  An error message stated: Move failed. You are not permitted to move a page to this location. After a bit of researching, found that the workaround was to turn off the space logo....

Setting up Ethernet with UWP

This week, some significant time was spent debugging an issue where a client could not connect to a C#/UWP server.  It turns out that the solution had to do with giving the server accurate capabilities.  Specifically, in the .appxmanifest file, there are three...

Mailing Issues

I’ve come across an issue where one of my clients suddenly stopped receiving emails from his website contact form.  Checking various blacklists can sometimes result in the solution: However, in...

Setting up a network printer

Just purchased an HP 7612.  Even though I had the IP address of the printer and Windows looked like it installed it properly, every time I printed, I received a notice about the printer being offline. After going into the Control Panel and fidgeting with the...

Error establishing a database connection

Search for this error with regards to WordPress and you will find lots of articles talking about how the wp-config.php has bad credentials.  Funny thing is, I came across this error and credentials were not the problem.  Here’s how I fixed it. My site is on a...