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Submitting to P4

Today, I’ve been having a problem submitting large-ish files to P4.  Specifically, the two files in question were around 100MB.  P4 would look like it was submitting, then eventually timeout with a network error (note: not explicitly a timeout error)....

Perforce backup and recovery

I’m moving into a new office; thus, finding it a good time to refresh the P4 server.  After reading up more on the process, I found that I have an OS upgrade, a P4 upgrade, and a physical move upgrade.  It’s seeming more and more like starting fresh is the...

My current development setup

I use a number of programs for development.  They can be intertwined, have nuances, etc.  I offer some thoughts on each, but also serves as a reminder on my development setup.   NetBeans This is my IDE for web development.  I use it because it compiles LESS,...

Installing Perforce

I have used three revision control systems during my career: SourceSafe, CVS, and Perforce To help version personal efforts and make for nicer backups, effectiveness, I recently installed Perforce with Western Digital’s Live Book Duo.  It was a significant...