by suleski | Jan 26, 2017 | Art, Technical, Walkthroughs
You would think it was simple to extrude a 2D black & white image into 3D space. I tried a number of avenues. They all pretty much have two large steps: 1) Provide a vector file like SVG or DXF and 2) Extrude in a 3D. I tried out a number of 3D modeling...
by suleski | Dec 5, 2015 | Art, Reference
Google fonts is a pretty awesome collection of web fonts. There must be at least 500 of them. Recently, I’ve gone through all of them for a project and, because it is such a time-consuming task, I took note of fonts that could possibly be used for very...
by suleski | Oct 19, 2015 | Art, Reference
In Paint Shop Pro, I would click Filters >> Find Edges. But for Photoshop, it’s a combination of the following: Filters >> Other >> High Pass Image >> Adjustments >> Threshold Referenced from here.
by suleski | Oct 12, 2015 | Art, Reference
I was recently creating a mockup and had need to draw text around a circle, like in an analog clock face. In Photoshop, this involves two things: Understanding that text can follow an arbitrary path. How to draw a circular path. I came across a good video tutorials...