by suleski | Mar 25, 2016 | Technical, Walkthroughs
The DataTemplateSelector could be a cool tool for changing out which DataTemplate is used to display an element within a list. I started using it for a media feature to figure out whether an element’s thumbnail should display as image, sound, or video. The...
by suleski | Feb 29, 2016 | Technical, Troubleshooting, Walkthroughs
Years ago, there appeared to be only XmlSerializer. Then came the DataContractSerializer particular for use with WCF. Now, it appears there are a couple JsonSerializers – who knows what will be next? Recently, I had to implement a Serializer. I tried a few of...
by suleski | Feb 5, 2016 | Reference, Technical
Passing data from worker threads to the UI thread is always a chore no matter which programming language is used. Code can be a bear to develop, complex to read, and difficult to maintain. Race conditions, debugging, security access, etc – it’s all a...
by suleski | Feb 2, 2016 | Reference, Technical
UWP apps are funny. Unlike regular desktop apps, it’s not always obvious how to store and retrieve data. There are two cases I’m talking about: There is no Settings GUI in UWP apps like there was in WPF apps. Previously, an Engineer could right-click on...
by suleski | Feb 2, 2016 | Review, Technical
So many methodologies on how to program. Things were so simple 20-30 years ago. Single file programs. Then turning into multiple files, procedural. Then OOP. Then Winforms. Then MFC. Then .NET and all the C# goodness. Then WPF. And now MVVM. There’s...