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Benchmarks on WAMP 2.5

WAMPServer is the tool that I use to develop websites locally.  It is made up of three distinct technologies – Apache, MySQL, and PHP. I recently upgraded from WAMP 2.4 (Apache 2.4.4, MySQL 5.6.12, PHP 5.4.12) to WAMP 2.5 (Apache 2.4.9, MySQL 5.6.17, PHP...

CSS Performance

As I write the styling for a new site, I want to pay careful attention to too much CSS.  As a result, I did some searching on layout times and came across a list of CSS Selector types ordered from most efficient to least efficient.  Here they are: ID, e.g. #header...

WordPress Query Performance

Understanding what WordPress is doing under the hood can be tough – especially when it comes to the raw SQL queries.  As is usually typical with WordPress, somebody has written a plugin for it – in this case, it is called debug-bar.  To get it going, do...