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Error establishing a database connection

Search for this error with regards to WordPress and you will find lots of articles talking about how the wp-config.php has bad credentials.  Funny thing is, I came across this error and credentials were not the problem.  Here’s how I fixed it. My site is on a...

Not able to export a remote database

New client computer, so I installed the latest MySql Workbench – version 6.3.6.  Turns out that the new version no longer works for me when exporting a remote database.  Here’s the error I’m seeing: It works just fine when exporting local databases,...

Odd SSL forcing

I’ve been with my wife at the hospital today and have been working on the BluePrint-Q Tones while she rests.  Inbetween sessions, exactly one of the websites that I develop on localhost stopped loading properly.  I saw a ton of errors like this in the browser...