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Refreshing the DataTemplateSelector

The DataTemplateSelector could be a cool tool for changing out which DataTemplate is used to display an element within a list.  I started using it for a media feature to figure out whether an element’s thumbnail should display as image, sound, or video. The...

Refreshing images in XAML

The Image control used in XAML does not really seem like a big deal.  Place it in your XAML and bind the Source Property to your Data.  Might look something like this: <Image Source={Binding MyPath} /> However, there’s a case I came across that had me...

A reference for UWP theme resources

F12 does not really work in Visual Studio when using it on a XAML file.  That includes ResourceDictionaries.  Came across this article from Microsoft that covers the list of brushes, colors, fonts, etc that they make available for use.