
AngularJS not loading on Windows Phone

I have an application written in AngularJS.  It works on my Windows desktop just fine.  It also works on my Android.  However, it would only display the raw HTML (instead of the updated Angular HTML) on Windows Phone.  Turns out that Windows Phone does not like...

Cannot autoplay on Android

I have a radio app in development.  It works great within a desktop browser.  Unfortunately, it has problems on phones.  The biggest problem on Android is that the music would not autoplay when the page loaded. After debugging, I found that the 'play' event was not...

Removing password protection from a subdirectory

I have a case where I want the website to be live, but password-protected. Simply put, there are Facebook-related operations that do not play nicely with a local setup. Unfortunately, the radio app I've been developing will not play this music because the music is...

Transferring stored procedures between databases

Normally, I am able to export my site databases locally, then transfer up to my live/remote server.  Unfortunately, an issue arose - When transferring to the remote database, it kept giving me an error about not having SUPER privileges to create stored procedures and...

Limiting posttypes to Administrators

Earlier, I wrote a quick article that introduced WordPress Roles and Capabilities.  Today, I revisited that page to figure out how to make it so that my new custom post type would only be accessible by the Administrator.  The Codex page did not really make me...

I've come across a number of sites that touch on how to create triangles by using only CSS.  Most recently, I came across a site that acts as a nice reference for triangles and whole lot more: