Creating a color scheme is both an art and a science. There are places online that suggest color schemes like Adobe Kuler. But what if you wanted to create your own color scheme? Well, using LESS – it’s straightforward.
@base: #663333; @complement1: spin(@base, 180); @complement2: darken(spin(@base, 180), 5%); @lighten1: lighten(@base, 15%); @lighten2: lighten(@base, 30%);
@base: #663333; @lighter1: lighten(spin(@base, 5), 10%); @lighter2: lighten(spin(@base, 10), 20%); @darker1: darken(spin(@base, -5), 10%); @darker2: darken(spin(@base, -10), 20%);
In the above cases, you choose a color for your base and run from there. Reference: Design Shack.