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Setting up Ethernet with UWP

This week, some significant time was spent debugging an issue where a client could not connect to a C#/UWP server.  It turns out that the solution had to do with giving the server accurate capabilities.  Specifically, in the .appxmanifest file, there are three...

A fix for really slow LAN

I’ve been installing a network at the new office.  It worked when I first got it going at 3am in the morning, but when I came back around noon, every computer was really lagging whenever making a request anywhere on the network.  To be clear, this was not...

Talking between computers

WPF is pretty awesome and I have a decent chunk of experience going with it.  However, I never really had a need to investigate the WCF side – Microsoft’s answer to communicating between machines. So, I am looking for a complete comprehensive tutorial that...