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Using gradients in Illustrator

It appears that using a gradient in Illustrator is not very straightforward.  More specifically, trying to activate the Gradient Annotator with the mouse simply did not work for text.  Eventually, I found some instructions – the key steps to remember are as...

A reference for UWP theme resources

F12 does not really work in Visual Studio when using it on a XAML file.  That includes ResourceDictionaries.  Came across this article from Microsoft that covers the list of brushes, colors, fonts, etc that they make available for use.

Finding control templates

With UWP, I’m finding myself overriding the control templates of existing controls.  Creating these control templates from scratch is not even on the table as a realistic possibility.  So, coders typically use debug code to print out a control template, load a...

Styling the WordPress Admin

The WordPress backend has a very specific look to it.  If you are looking to add a new page there, you’ll want to style it similarly.  It’s not very clear what is available, but after a lot of searching, I came across these links that help shine light on...